Monday, 9 December 2019


This is the URL: Can you tell me how did you get the firmware to the Freecom? There is a new fw 2. April 15, at 1: February 19, at 4: Cant get this info anywhere. April 16, at 8: ch3hnas firmware

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Can anyone tell me the capazity limit for the hard drives? If you shutdown the unit and restart it the DHCP server is enabled again.

Download Conceptronic CH3HNAS NAS Firmware for OS Independent

If I make a rpcinfo from my Mac i get that: Ik ben erg nieuwsgierig maar heb te weinig kennis om het een en ander te kunnen toepassen. I was hoping to get 2x 4gb. September 21, at Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Hmmm… Daar had ik eigenlijk wel op gehoopt bij de aanschaf.

ch3hnas firmware

April 15, at There is no solution to this problem? By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. When you disable the DHCP server and you save this it works fine.

As a bonus the fan Control now works and is much more quite then with the stock Freecom Firmware installed. Nas is not accessible through network or direct connection. September 27, at 3: Hallo Dennis, bedankt voor je reactie. Anyone has proved that beta firmware and knows what improvements could be inside?? I am very dissappointed in the product and I have recovered my data from the NAS by mounting it with Unbuntu.

ch3hnas firmware

Your email address will not be published. If I make a rpcinfo from my Mac i get that:.

Conceptronic CH3HNAS

September 22, at 7: Cant ch3ynas this info anywhere. Kun je nadat je de funplug heb geinstalleerd hem ook gebruiken als webserver apache in de vorm van Xampp of iets dergelijks? April 10, at 1: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. It seems that when the unit is in standby hdd power management you cannot reach the unit anymore via the webbrowser the screen stays white.

[ubuntu] Installing Funplug in Conceptronic CH3HNAS

April 8, at 4: This is the URL: April 13, at 2: Conceptronic does not reply either! August 30, at 6: Weet je wat je er wel op kunt laten draaien? But with the GPL sources of the device you can do more with compiling packages for your own chrooted environment: The issue is that it was somehow removed from the GUI: There is a new fw 2.

April 21, at 3:

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