Friday, 6 December 2019


CLOSE This assessment covers all of the elements you will need to create and manage process maps using the Triaster platform. This feature enables you to choose the inputs and outputs per Activity in one go, and ensures that the connectors are snapped on to the connection points. Process Navigator uses Microsoft Visio as its process mapping tool. Default format - SaveVisio files as Save documents - Save files in this format. To open Visio from Process Navigator to enable you to create a new process map, click the New Visio Process icon towards the top left of Process Navigator. You may have noticed the red warning triangles on my process map. Step 2 - Choose the Triaster Software System which best meets your needs.

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CLOSE This includes two alternative Library design visuals created by our designer, following a specification call with you. Properties You may have noticed the red warning trlaster on my process map.

See all system features. Choose from the following additional services: This article is available in more detail from our Knowledge Base, including configurations for Process Navigator, and with a template script.

We'll never share your information. As long as your map is not too complex to start with, Process Navigator does a good job of reassembling the shapes to look their best.

Not sure which system is right for your business? Professional The ultimate Business Process Management system for organisations ready for a highly developed process management information system.

Using naviigator Shapes As you prrocess see, the Stencil is on the left hand side of the screen by default. Process Navigator sits on top of Visio and provides some functional process mapping foundations, as well as useful software features and shareable Stencil, Template and Properties files for all to use.

This could be a shared location on the Triaster Server, e. For more information on process maps and why to process map, please read this article: Find out how these 8 customers below used the 4 pillars to turn their problems into continual efficiency gains.

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Triaster Ltd | Business Process Management | BPM

Process Navigator has an Auto-Layout feature that will tidy your process map up for you. Contact us and speak with one of our dedicated Solution specialists, who will answer any questions you may have. Same day response to requests received before 3pm on UK business days. A high level demonstration of how the Triaster systems enable simple and triastrr process mapping, management and improvement.

The Ultimate Drag and Drop Process Mapping Software

Process Navigator is the ultimate drag-and-drop process mapping software, and is both full of functionality and really easy to use. Note that these are all userspecific, and wouldn't require elevated permissions to apply.

To learn more about it, please read this article: The red warning triangles disappear once the mandatory properties have been filled out. A Proces Process Mapping Methodology Follow the method, dropping the shapes one by one, specifying an input and an output Deliverable for each Activity that you place on the nxvigator, until you have produced the ultimate output - in this case a hot beverage.

And from procss, you can drop shapes on the page one by one. Desktop Process Mapping software Process Navigator. Videos View our video blogs and tutorials.

What is Triaster Process Navigator?

You should end each session having captured the detail of a process, from the people who know it best - those that do it on a daily basis. Triastet method of connecting the shapes on your process map is to use the connection options that are available when you right click a shape and click Properties.

Visio and Process Navigator can be configured through their user-interfaces, but particularly when deploying Process Navigator to numerous users, making those settings directly to the Registry through a REG file or a script can be quicker and ensure a consistent set-up.

If the output is navigtaor as obvious, then that could suggest that the Activity being carried out has no obvious purpose and could be wasteful.

Process Mapping, Management and Improvement Made Simple

CLOSE This assessment covers the additional skills covered in the Advanced course along with the foundation and intermediate assessment questions.

We have navugator template script that requires just a little tweaking to havigator it applicable to a customer's set-up. It requires completion of the foundation course or assessment. They have been nothing but supportive since I started my current role and always do their utmost to help.

Activity — Used for activities carried out within the organisation External Activity — Used for activities carried out outside of the organisation Decision — Used where there is an exclusive output produced out of multiple available outputs Drag on an Activity from the Stencil, drop it next to the Deliverable and then you navigafor be able to type in the shape to describe the activity.

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